Acupuncture is showing up in the research over and over as an effective and cost-effective means to relieve pain of all types. And it is a great alternative given the epidemic of opiod dependency. Acupuncture works quickly to provide you help with painful knees and hips and necks...and most every other body part. Acupuncture interferes with pain perception and decreases inflammation.
Have you given up yet another day of your life to a headache or migraine? Are there a few days each month, month after month that you know you will have a headache? Do you feel you can forecast the weather based on your pattern of headaches?
If any of these describe you, Synergy Health can help improve your quality of life. We will take time to learn about the specifics and history of your headaches and tailor care and recommendations to your needs. Using acupuncture, nutrition, lifestyle changes and Chinese herbs, we've helped put headaches in the rear view mirror for many people and we'd love to do the same for you.
Go further than simply medicating the headache away once it occurs. Prevent your headaches from occurring in the first place!
Back Pain or Sciatica (New or Old)
Acupuncture is well-known as an effective treatment for back pain -- whether due to muscle spasms or nerve pain (such as sciatica) or bone pain. Acupuncture works on a deeper level than just pain suppression.
In addition, we will look a little deeper at your lifestyle and overall health to help you understand why your pain may persist. Ruth combines experience as an orthopedic nurse, teaching ergonomics in the workplace, and coordinating treatment for people with both acute and chronic pain with her abilities as an acupuncturist.
Ready for some relief? Call Synergy Health at 952-920-9830 for a free 15-minute consultation to see how our approach can help you. It's about YOUR well-being.